Useful links

👨‍💻 Recommended open-source softwares

🏫 Didactic and drawing resources

🚴 Control theory

  • DiaGraph - Useful to draw block diagrams:

    Linear Fractional Transform Block Diagram (block diagram generated by DiaGraph)

🤖 Robotics

  • Robotarium project - A remotely accessible swarm robotics research platform that remains freely accessible to anyone.

  • OFFWORLD GYM - Open-access physical robotics environment for real-world reinforcement learning benchmarking and research.

  • - is a virtual robot-competition platform that can be used entirely from the browser.


  • Wokwi - Simulate circuits in your browser.

  • Diode - 3D circuit simulator. Can be used to program Arduino boards.

  • simcirjs - Digital circuit simulator in HTML5 and Javascript

  • SKiDL - SKiDL is a module that allows you to compactly describe the interconnection of electronic circuits and components using Python.

  • Wireviz - WireViz is a tool for easily documenting cables, wiring harnesses and connector pinouts. It takes plain text, YAML-formatted files as input and produces beautiful graphical output

🧰 Miscellaneous

  • nbinteract - Generate Interactive Web Pages From Jupyter Notebooks. See also this tutorial.

  • RISE - Turn Jupyter notebooks into slideshow

  • ObservableHQ - Interactive notebooks with Javascript. For an interesting example, see notebook(

  • EulerTool - Online editor for Manim, an animation engine for explanatory math videos

  • Jupyter-Manim - Jupyter notebook magic to integrate manim within output cells.

  • Math Inspector - A visual programming environment for scientific computing.

  • CindyJS - A framework to create interactive (mathematical) content for the web.

  • SageMathCell - SageMathCell can be used to embed Sage computations into any webpage.

  • MATLAB Grader - Automatically grade MATLAB code in any learning environment

  • For recording and creating online courses:

🔬 Open science and reproducibility resources